turtle Corner

catalog no.: AV/7043-X Metal premium;

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Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - turtle Corner
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - turtle Corner
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - turtle Corner
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - turtle Corner
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - turtle Corner
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - turtle Corner
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - turtle Corner
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - turtle Corner
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - turtle Corner
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - turtle Corner

turtle Corner

catalog no.: AV/7043-X Metal premium;


Cena netto

89 106,00

Cena brutto

109 600,38

Produkt dostępny na zamówienie

Cena nie zawiera kosztów transportu i montażu urządzenia, który wyliczany jest indywidualnie.

Zestaw dla 48 dzieci

Grupa wiekowa 1-8 lat

Funkcje zestawu:
elementy umożliwiające ukrywanie się w zabawieczęść wypełnień zestawu pełni dodatkowe funkcje edukacyjnemiejsce, z którego dziecko może obserwować teren wokół placu zabawelement zabawki umożliwiający bezpieczne ześlizgiwanie sięelement zestawu rozwijający umiejętność pokonywania przeszkody w pozycji 'na czworaka' lub pełzającelementy zestawu wspomagające rozwój podstawowej funkcji ruchowej jaką jest wchodzenie
Do pobrania:

Karta tech.: turtle Corner Metal premium

The Turtle Corner is a great proposition for all children who like to play in the sand. Additional attractions of the set include educational elements, a house with a bull in the roof, through which you can observe the sky, a slide and a tunnel bridge. The sandbox is located in the central part of the set, and around it there are platforms with designated seating places. In addition, smaller platforms with educational elements are located on four sides. Looking at the set from above, the turtle's head is the house, the paws have platforms with educational elements, and the shell is a sandpit. Thanks to the colors and original shape, the set will certainly be the biggest attraction of every playground. It can also be the main point of the increasingly popular themed playgrounds. The Turtle Corner is intended for children from 1 to 8 years old.

Offered versions:

  • Metal Premium - stainless steel structures, colored elements made of HDPE board, platforms and some fillings made of HPL board, elements connecting the structure are aluminum clamps. All screws and fittings are made of stainless steel.

Detailed information on each technology can be found by clicking on the appropriate technology name at the price at the top of the page.

- 10 years warranty covering all defects in HDPE and stainless steel elements disclosed during use and resulting from production reasons.

- 5 years warranty covering all defects of hot-dip galvanized steel elements and aluminum elements revealed during use and resulting from production reasons.
- 3 years warranty covering all defects in plastic elements, galvanized and powder-coated steel, climbing ropes and meshes as well as elements made of laminate, revealed during use and due to production reasons.
- 2 years warranty covering all defects in wood and wood-based components, rubber and any other items mentioned above, disclosed during use and due to production reasons.

The set includes:

1. House 2. Slide 1 pcs. Stairs 1 pcs 4. Educational panels 7 pcs 5. Tunnel bridge 6. Sandpit 1 pcs 7. Platform 8 pcs 8. Platform mushroom 2 pcs

Production technology

See more

Safe surface:
  • Safe area field:



  • Safe area circuit:



  • Max fall height:



  • Width of device:



  • Length of device:



  • Height of device:



  • Width of safety zone:



  • Length of safety zone:



Set for 48 kids

Age group: 1-8 years old

The Turtle Corner is a great proposition for all children who like to play in the sand. Additional attractions of the set include educational elements, a house with a bull in the roof, through which you can observe the sky, a slide and a tunnel bridge. The sandbox is located in the central part of the set, and around it there are platforms with designated seating places. In addition, smaller platforms with educational elements are located on four sides. Looking at the set from above, the turtle's head is the house, the paws have platforms with educational elements, and the shell is a sandpit. Thanks to the colors and original shape, the set will certainly be the biggest attraction of every playground. It can also be the main point of the increasingly popular themed playgrounds. The Turtle Corner is intended for children from 1 to 8 years old.

Offered versions:

  • Metal Premium - stainless steel structures, colored elements made of HDPE board, platforms and some fillings made of HPL board, elements connecting the structure are aluminum clamps. All screws and fittings are made of stainless steel.

Detailed information on each technology can be found by clicking on the appropriate technology name at the price at the top of the page.

- 10 years warranty covering all defects in HDPE and stainless steel elements disclosed during use and resulting from production reasons.

- 5 years warranty covering all defects of hot-dip galvanized steel elements and aluminum elements revealed during use and resulting from production reasons.
- 3 years warranty covering all defects in plastic elements, galvanized and powder-coated steel, climbing ropes and meshes as well as elements made of laminate, revealed during use and due to production reasons.
- 2 years warranty covering all defects in wood and wood-based components, rubber and any other items mentioned above, disclosed during use and due to production reasons.

The set includes:

1. House 2. Slide 1 pcs. Stairs 1 pcs 4. Educational panels 7 pcs 5. Tunnel bridge 6. Sandpit 1 pcs 7. Platform 8 pcs 8. Platform mushroom 2 pcs

Production technology

See more

Safe surface:
  • Safe area field:



  • Safe area circuit:



  • Max fall height:



  • Width of device:



  • Length of device:



  • Height of device:



  • Width of safety zone:



  • Length of safety zone:



Set for 48 kids

Age group: 1-8 years old

waga najcięższego elementu wchodzącego w skład danego zestawu, podana w (kg)elementy umożliwiające ukrywanie się w zabawieczęść wypełnień zestawu pełni dodatkowe funkcje edukacyjnemiejsce, z którego dziecko może obserwować teren wokół placu zabawelement zabawki umożliwiający bezpieczne ześlizgiwanie sięelement zestawu rozwijający umiejętność pokonywania przeszkody w pozycji 'na czworaka' lub pełzającelementy zestawu wspomagające rozwój podstawowej funkcji ruchowej jaką jest wchodzenie