Tetrahedron Simple

catalog no.: AV/00763

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Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - Tetrahedron Simple
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - Tetrahedron Simple
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - Tetrahedron Simple
Playtime - bezpieczne place zabaw - Tetrahedron Simple

Tetrahedron Simple

catalog no.: AV/00763


Cena netto

6 216,00

Cena brutto

7 645,68

Produkt dostępny na zamówienie

Cena nie zawiera kosztów transportu i montażu urządzenia, który wyliczany jest indywidualnie.

Zestaw dla 5 dzieci

Grupa wiekowa 3-14 lat

Funkcje zestawu:
elementy umożliwiające w sposób bezpieczny swobodne zawisanie elementy zabawki umożliwiające ćwiczenie sprawności pokonywania pionowych przeszkódelement zabawki umożliwiający bezpieczne ześlizgiwanie sięelement zestawu rozwijający umiejętność pokonywania przeszkody w pozycji 'na czworaka' lub pełzającelementy łączące części zestawu, których pokonywanie rozwija zmysł równowagi
Do pobrania:

Karta tech.: Tetrahedron Simple Metal Plus

The Simple tetrahedron is a combination of a climbing wall with rope elements intended for fitness games for users between the ages of 3 and 14. The structure is made of galvanized and powder-coated steel, steel ropes in a polypropylene braid, a wall made of non-slip HEXA plywood.

Offered versions:

  • Metal plus - galvanized and powder coated metal elements, a climbing wall made of non-slip HEXA plywood, polypropylene braided ropes with a steel core, stainless steel fasteners.

Detailed information on each technology can be found by clicking on the appropriate technology name next to the price at the top of the page.

- 10-year warranty covering all defects of HDPE and stainless steel elements revealed during use and resulting from production reasons.
- 5-year warranty covering all defects of hot-dip galvanized steel and aluminum elements revealed during use and resulting from production reasons.
- 3-year warranty covering all defects of plastic elements, galvanized and powder-coated steel, climbing ropes and nets as well as elements made of laminate revealed during use and resulting from production reasons.
- 2-year warranty covering any defects in rubber and any other elements listed above, revealed during use, and resulting from production reasons.

The set includes:

1 Climbing wall 1 Rope crossing 1 Rope ladder 1 Rope 1 Rope with handles

Production technology

See more

Safe surface:
  • Safe area field:



  • Safe area circuit:



  • Max fall height:



  • Width of device:



  • Length of device:



  • Height of device:



  • Width of safety zone:



  • Length of safety zone:



Set for 5 kids

Age group: 3-14 years old

The Simple tetrahedron is a combination of a climbing wall with rope elements intended for fitness games for users between the ages of 3 and 14. The structure is made of galvanized and powder-coated steel, steel ropes in a polypropylene braid, a wall made of non-slip HEXA plywood.

Offered versions:

  • Metal plus - galvanized and powder coated metal elements, a climbing wall made of non-slip HEXA plywood, polypropylene braided ropes with a steel core, stainless steel fasteners.

Detailed information on each technology can be found by clicking on the appropriate technology name next to the price at the top of the page.

- 10-year warranty covering all defects of HDPE and stainless steel elements revealed during use and resulting from production reasons.
- 5-year warranty covering all defects of hot-dip galvanized steel and aluminum elements revealed during use and resulting from production reasons.
- 3-year warranty covering all defects of plastic elements, galvanized and powder-coated steel, climbing ropes and nets as well as elements made of laminate revealed during use and resulting from production reasons.
- 2-year warranty covering any defects in rubber and any other elements listed above, revealed during use, and resulting from production reasons.

The set includes:

1 Climbing wall 1 Rope crossing 1 Rope ladder 1 Rope 1 Rope with handles

Production technology

See more

Safe surface:
  • Safe area field:



  • Safe area circuit:



  • Max fall height:



  • Width of device:



  • Length of device:



  • Height of device:



  • Width of safety zone:



  • Length of safety zone:



Set for 5 kids

Age group: 3-14 years old

elementy umożliwiające w sposób bezpieczny swobodne zawisanie elementy zabawki umożliwiające ćwiczenie sprawności pokonywania pionowych przeszkódelement zabawki umożliwiający bezpieczne ześlizgiwanie sięelement zestawu rozwijający umiejętność pokonywania przeszkody w pozycji 'na czworaka' lub pełzającelementy łączące części zestawu, których pokonywanie rozwija zmysł równowagi
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